
Open your heart and home to a loving dog, become a foster today!
Foster homes are the backbone of any rescue organization. The number of animals we can save depends entirely on the number of people who open their hearts and homes to foster. Because Muttly Crew does not have a shelter facility, we rely solely on our foster home to provide a safe and stable temporary home for dogs that are available for adoption. It’s a rewarding way to give back to your community and it’s a critical part of what we need to help dogs in their quest to find a new forever home.
Foster homes are special. They provide a more appropriate environment for dogs to learn what it really means to be part of a family. In a foster home, a dog is exposed to all of the same experiences they would likely encounter with an adoptive family and have a chance to properly learn, socialize and interact with people and other pets. Foster homes better prepare dogs for their new home and in turn, make for a smoother transition for the adoptive family.
Fostering is good for you too! You will enjoy unconditional love and the reward of knowing you have helped a dog in need transcend into a better life.
Our dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but we are primarily a small breed rescue, most our dog are under 25 pounds but on occasion take in a medium/large dog who really needs our help. We make sure our fosters choose the dog best suited to their environment and availability.
Fostering also brings families closer together and helps children learn responsibility. When you foster, Muttly Crew we will pay all of the expenses.
Veterinary care, routine or otherwise
Food and treats
Bed, crate
We want your foster dog to feel at home. All you need to do is provide a stable home, direction and some tender loving care.
Fostering truly is a gift, saves lives and it will change your life forever.
If you are interested in fostering for Muttly Crew Rescue, please submit your foster application.
Foster Application link: